¡Gracias por tu Intención de Misa!

Valoramos profundamente tu generosidad y apoyo.

Ten la certeza de que estaremos en oración por ti y por tu intención, unidos en el amor de Cristo desde Magdala, Tierra Santa.

A Place of Encounter

Discover a unique experience in the Holy Land


We invite you to experience a unique Holy Land journey in Madrid this 2025, where we will be pilgrims of hope.

Come sing, walk, celebrate, and share with us at Encounter Magdala, which will be held from 22 July to 26 July in Madrid, Spain.

Don't miss it! Check out our program and sign up to experience this gathering of hope together.

Register now

Latest from Magdala

Virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer

Jerusalem is a city of prayer, recognized as one of the holiest cities in the world. Deepen your connection with God through this virtual Pilgrimage of Prayer, discovering the people, places, and ways Christians pray in Jerusalem.

Watch the pilgrimage

Support Magdala

Your support is crucial to continue developing this Holy Site, uncovering its archaeological treasures and hosting our onsite and media programs. With your support Magdala is becoming a worldwide catalyst for renewal and reconciliation.Thank you for your generosity.

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