How can we help you?

Please select a category from the options below to email our support team,

enabling us to respond to your query promptly.

Media Center

If you require assistance with any of our online programs, such as Virtual Pilgrimages, live streaming services, or need to request filming permits, our Media Center team will be pleased to provide you with support

Online Shop

If you need support with anything related to your online purchase or our online shop, our team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your shopping experience.


If you have specific inquiries regarding our donations or seek further information about supporting our cause, we kindly encourage you to reach out to our fundraising team.

Magdala Encounter

If you wish to learn more about our events or sign up for upcoming events, contact our events team. They are available to provide you with detailed information and assist you with any inquiries.


If you need to make changes or cancel a reservation, or if you wish to reserve any services provided by the facilities, please don't hesitate to contact the hotel team.

Religious Services

If you have any requests, questions, suggestions, or need to book religious services, please don't hesitate to contact the Duc in Altum team.

Visitor Center

If you require information about tickets, opening hours, group discounts or would like to book a tour in our Archaeological Park, our visitor center team is here to assist you.


If you have any doubts or questions about our volunteer program, you can reach out to our admissions team for assistance.

Magdala Family

If you have any doubts or questions about the Magdala Family, we are here to address any inquiries you may have and provide assistance as needed.


If you require information about the archaeological project, our archaeologist, findings, or any related inquiries, please contact us and we will help you reach out to the corresponding person.

Spiritual Guidance

Do you have any doubts or spiritual concerns? Write to one of our Priests and they will guide you through the path of faith, prayer and discernment


If any of the above options align with your inquiries, please feel free to make your request using this method. We are here to assist you with any questions or needs you may have.