10th Women's Encounter 2024

"The intercultural event entitled “Her Voice” this year, focused on four women of the Bible"

Kathleen Nichols


April 20, 2024

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10th Women's Encounter 2024

"The intercultural event entitled “Her Voice” this year, focused on four women of the Bible"

Kathleen Nichols


April 20, 2024

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Experience Magdala

10th Women's Encounter 2024

From its inception, Magdala has sought to honor women!

Magdala’s 10th Annual Women’s Encounter took place on Saturday March 23rd in celebration of International Women’s Day. The intercultural event entitled “Her Voice” this year,  focused on four women of the Bible whose voices made a lasting impact on salvation history.

Kathleen Nichols, the host of Encounter and head of Magdala’s Women’s Events, delivered a conference entitled “Bone of My Bone”, discussing the Biblical meaning of the word “rib” in Genesis. Kathleen explained Eve’s role in revealing to Adam his true identity through their first encounter upon her creation, drawing a parallel to the transformative encounter between Mary Magdalene and Jesus illustrated in the mosaic inside the “Mary Magdalene Chapel” of Duc In Altum where the conference was given.

Susanna’s voice from the Book of Daniel was next on the schedule. Alessandro Stradella’s Oratorio “La Susanna” was expertly performed by the Phoenix Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Myrna Hertzog. The concert drew nearly 200 people who were mesmerized by the eleven musicians who beautifully interpreted the 17th century work celebrating Susanna’s voice calling out to God in faith and in defense of the truth.

Queen Esther was the focus of Tel Aviv scholar Yisca Harani’s conference in the afternoon, a Biblical figure whose voice in prayer and through dialogue was central to the salvation of her people. Yisca expertly discussed Esther in Judaism and Christianity on the eve of the Feast of Purim.

The all-female vocal ensemble, Alma Israeli Woman’s Voice crowned the day with a concert-tour of ancient Magdala, performing a variety of musical pieces throughout the Archeological Park and Duc In Altum, ending with the nearly 100 concert-goers raising their own voices in song in the Women’s Atrium whose eight pillars represent women in the Bible and women of faith across all time. Despite the on-going conflict in the Holy Land, over 50 participants attended the event.

The 11th Annual Women’s Encounter in Magdala is scheduled for March 13th – 15th, 2025. In addition to the Encounter, an in-person “Women of the Bible Pilgrimage” is being offered beforehand, lead by Kathleen Nichols, including full participation in next year’s Women’s Encounter.  

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