Luke I'm your father

"Through the sacrament of Marriage, God provides the grace and strength necessary to fulfill the responsibility of educating children."

Fr. Rodrigo Serrano L.C.


June 25, 2024

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Luke I'm your father

"Through the sacrament of Marriage, God provides the grace and strength necessary to fulfill the responsibility of educating children."

Fr. Rodrigo Serrano L.C.


June 25, 2024

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Experience Magdala

Luke I'm your father

Father's Day gives us a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of the father figure in our lives. Saint Joseph, considered the spiritual father of Jesus, represents an exemplary model of fatherhood, standing out for his dedication, love, and responsibility. As we celebrate this day, it is essential to recognize and value the crucial role that fathers play in the formation and integral development of their children.

In the memory of many of us is the iconic scene from "Star Wars," where Darth Vader reveals to Luke Skywalker that he is his father. The father-son relationship has always been a subject of study and reflection, as evidenced in the Greek tragedy "Oedipus Rex." Both Pope Francis and Saint John Paul II have highlighted the importance of the father in the family, issuing documents about the figure of Saint Joseph: the apostolic exhortation Redemptoris Custos, which addresses the figure and mission of Saint Joseph in the life of Christ and the Church, and Pope Francis' apostolic letter Patris Corde, published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as the universal patron of the Church.

It is beautiful to see fathers playing with their children, listening to and attending to them, even when tired. A father who shows joy and desires to be with his children provides them with security and acceptance. Children must learn these values in a home full of love and respect. If a father is abusive or absent, the children will learn those negative behaviors and replicate them in society.

From a Christian perspective, religious education begins at home. Children learn to love God and their neighbor through their parents' example. If a father demonstrates piety and love for God, his children will follow that path. Children's education is a shared responsibility of both parents and cannot be delegated entirely to the school or the mother. Parents must create a family environment where Christian values are taught, and respect and love are fostered.

A responsible father strives to educate his children, accept them as they are, and help them to improve. It is crucial to avoid an education based on constant prohibitions and instead foster a positive and encouraging environment. Patience and love are fundamental in education, and parents must be willing to make sacrifices for the well-being of their children. Education is a continuous process that requires effort and dedication.

Finally, a father must remember that he is not alone in this task. Through the sacrament of Marriage, God provides the grace and strength necessary to fulfill the responsibility of educating children. Accepting the consequences of getting married and having children implies a commitment of love and dedication to their education and well-being.

In summary, to correctly assume his role, a father must accept his responsibilities and be generous, patient, and loving, just as we might imagine Saint Joseph was within the Holy Family. These qualities will help form a constructive paternal presence that significantly contributes to their children's emotional and social development.

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