Sunrise Stroll and Chat at Magdala

"The sun had not yet risen: only radiant drifting clouds hung suspended over the dawn"

Fr. Cristobal Vilaroig L.C.


September 26, 2023

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Sunrise Stroll and Chat at Magdala

"The sun had not yet risen: only radiant drifting clouds hung suspended over the dawn"

Fr. Cristobal Vilaroig L.C.


September 26, 2023

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Magdala Through History

Sunrise Stroll and Chat at Magdala

The learned Anglican priest Solomon Malan visited Magdala around April 1842 and set up his tent on the outskirts of el-Mejdel. A few years later, he would publish a small book titled Magdala: A Day by the Sea of Galilee (1857), where he recounts his experience:

“When I awoke at dawn, everything was serene; no wind was blowing. I hurried to get dressed, not wanting to waste a single moment of this day. I stepped out of the tent and climbed the hill. I longed to see the sun rise over the Sea of Galilee. I will never forget the first impression of that scene. The sun had not yet risen: only radiant drifting clouds hung suspended over the dawn, while the lake still lay asleep in the ashen tones of early morning. But suddenly, the snow-capped summit of Hermon began to glow with the sun still hidden behind it. Soon, the sun emerged over the hills of the Golan and poured its brilliant rays over the lake, which, like the pupil of an eye, sparkled with light and life upon the embracing hills, the green meadows, and the humble village of Magdala. I sat on a stone on the hillside, somewhat above the village, and in the solemn stillness of that hour, I opened the Book and read: ‘And sending away the multitude, he got into the boat, and went to the region of Magdala’ (Matthew 15:39).”

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