Mothers: Guardians of Faith

April 20, 2024
Pamela Rocha, Volunteer
Mothers: Guardians of Faith

Faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit primarily transmitted by mothers or grandmothers in the family.

"Mothers often also convey the deepest sense of religious practice: in the first prayers, in the first gestures of devotion that a child learns, the value of faith is inscribed in the life of a human being." - Pope Francis (General Audience, 7 January 2015)

Mothers play a fundamental role in the family; according to Pope Francis, mothers learn to be mothers within their hearts and how right he is. In May, in many parts of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated. Among the thousands of things we can thank our mothers for, a most important and sometimes overlooked item, is the transmission of faith in many cases.

Faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit primarily transmitted by mothers or grandmothers in the family. How vital is a mother's role in transmitting faith that even God experienced it through Mary. I like to think that it was Mary who taught Jesus to pray, as she did, and that with her example as a servant of God, she taught the Son of God to pray.

Perhaps this can remind you of when your mother taught you to pray, make the sign of the cross, and pray the Our Father to your guardian angel; those memories are a treasure! I think that just as there are family traditions and customs that have prevailed over the years, the transmission of living faith is undoubtedly a gift that we must maintain from generation to generation. And we cannot deny nor fail to thank mothers, your mother, for teaching and transmitting the faith that today is probably the foundation of your relationship with God.

So, in this coming month of May, let us thank all those mothers who, like Mary, have been a living example of faith and trust in God and have transmitted faith to us; let us especially remember all those who are expecting a child who are first-time mothers, so that among all the values they have to transmit to their children, faith is one of them.

We would like to offer you the option of honoring your mother or grandmother with a contribution in her name, whether as a gift for a living loved one or as a memorial. This thoughtful gesture shows their love and respect by supporting Magdala's development and being part of the preservation of the hometown of Mary Magdalene, contributing to the daily impact that we have with people who encounter Magdala. It's a meaningful way to celebrate her and make a positive impact in her honor.

Click here to give this special gift.