Illustrating Mary Magdalene

"Illustrating this Saint was both an opportunity and a challenge."



July 24, 2024

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Illustrating Mary Magdalene

"Illustrating this Saint was both an opportunity and a challenge."



July 24, 2024

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Last year, in 2023, I was invited to collaborate with my illustrations for the Encounter MAGDALA in the Holy Land, where I mainly depicted Mary Magdalene, the patroness of Magdala and of that pilgrimage.

Illustrating Mary Magdalene was a significant opportunity for me as an artist and a Catholic. Before I start a new illustration, I take time to get to know the person I'm depicting and try to connect with them through prayer. Getting to know Mary Magdalene was very special for me. She is a well-known figure from the Gospel, but I wanted to understand her more deeply, especially as an example for Catholic women. Learning about her humanity, her relationship with Jesus Christ, and her commitment to spreading the message of the Resurrection deeply impressed me. It inspired me not only to portray her in the best possible way but also sparked in me a desire to model my life and spirituality after her example.

Mary Magdalene, after the Virgin Mary, is a perfect example of a true female empower. Her encounter with the Truth and her faithful desire to carry the message of the Resurrection to the apostles at a time when men seemed to be the main protagonists, make her a figure worth focusing on.

She teaches us that the most important thing is to put our hearts in Love and make it known, no matter what. Mary Magdalene's life gives us great hope, showing that she was truly loved by God and called to carry the most important message of the Gospel. This offers hope and strength to our spiritual lives.  

Illustrating this Saint was both an opportunity and a challenge. I remember seeking inspiration from women to help me portray a gaze with strength, joy, worldliness, and love. It was not easy, but with much searching, sketching, and prayer, I think I captured what I sought. I wanted her to be different from the portraits I usually create of the Virgin Mary, so I incorporated details in her appearance to bring out her worldliness.

They requested two illustrations of her: one of her face and the other of her full body. I enjoyed representing her full body because I wanted to convey a sense of movement. Mary Magdalene moves and carries the message; she does not stay still. So, I illustrated her walking, as our evangelical life should be—in motion.

I believe we should carry the message of Christ with hope and joy, because it is the Truth that gives us Life and true freedom.

Being able to illustrate Mary Magdalene and make her known has allowed me to develop a more special relationship with one of the most important women in human history. It's inspiring to see real women, filled with strength and faith, as part of the Church's history. I am grateful to MAGDALA for the opportunity to collaborate and represent her in this way.

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