Duc In Altum

"Launch into the Deep"

Luke 5:4

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Duc In Altum

Duc In Altum is a unique building nestled in the Galilee region of Israel, inviting Christians from all traditions to a space dedicated to prayer, teaching, and worship. Inspired by the biblical passage from Luke 5:4, the name of this spiritual haven translates to "launch into the deep," reflecting its mission to deepen the faith of its visitors.

Photo: Women's Atrium

The facility beautifully commemorates Jesus' public ministry and significant interactions, paying special tribute to the women of the Bible and celebrating women of faith through its distinctive Women's Atrium.

Photo: Encounter Chapel

In addition, Duc In Altum offers a rich tapestry of spaces for reflection and worship, including the central boat chapel, four mosaic chapels on the sides, and the Encounter Chapel beneath, adorned with an evocative mural.

Duc In Altum stands as a bridge between faith, history, and culture, welcoming both Christians and non-Christians to explore its architectural beauty and partake in its vibrant community offerings.

Visit us

08.00 - 18.00

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(+972) 53 326 1622


Women's Atrium
A Tribute to Women Who Love God and Live by Faith
Duc In Altum exalts the presence of women in the Gospel. Thanks to Divine Providence, this idea was materialized in Magdala, hometown of Mary Magdalene. Mary was a follower of Jesus among other women who supported him with their own means (Luke 8). The Women’s Atrium features eight pillars, seven of which represent women in the Bible who followed Jesus, while the eighth honors women of faith across all time.
Boat Chapel
Jesus Preaches from the Boat
With a view of the Sea of Galilee, and a unique boat-shaped altar, this chapel commemorates Jesus preaching from the boat. It has room for up to 250 people. On May 26, 2014, during his pastoral pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Pope Francis blessed the tabernacle, which resides on the altar.
Mosaic Chapels
The Public Life of Jesus
The four mosaic chapels in Duc In Altum, designed to accommodate 30 people, each house an expressive mosaic illustrating events from Jesus's public life around the Sea of Galilee. Each mosaic is an open window inviting us to experience the infinite love of God in the Gospel. They are realistic representations in dialogue with the original sites and invite us to meditate on the Gospel scene in its authentic context.
Encounter Chapel
Encounter between Jesus and the Hemorrhaging Woman
The Encounter Chapel on the lower level of Duc In Altum is part of Magdala´s archeological treasure: the floor is that of the original first-century marketplace of the Magdala port. The woman represented in this chapel was looking for healing and found it when she touched Jesus's hem. What a miraculous and life-changing encounter! Today, people can stand on the stones of the marketplace where Jesus walked and have a personal encounter as they experience Christ's historical and spiritual presence.